Thursday, September 24, 2009


In the days after City left us with the embarrassing feeling of being Derby Sanchez'd. I started to reflect on the stories that really never made the blog due to reason such as: Laziness, other events going on, and our busy schedules.

1) I will start with the day that Sahan ran his first XC race, when most people look at Sahan you see a goofy looking kid with glasses and taco meat; but, Sahan is more than just taco meat, he has the heart of lion. He had been practicing the art of the 5k for weeks until Martz called his name and gave him the go ahead to be a man (here you go Dotseth) and run like the wind. Throughout the day Sahan had been pumped up ready to run, with his Sri Lankan rap music in hand and his Taco Meat filled XC jersey he was ready to humiliate the competition. He finished his 5k and showcased his famous "Sahan Shuffle" to the multiple fans on the course

2) The win in Waterloo was the night that football became legit again at West. During the two years before that win, guarantee's of winning had been made and winning had be nonexistent; but, with the giant man that is Jacob Gannon and the quick legs of Jamal "J-train aka BreakyaAnkles" Thompson the winning spirit came back to West in dramatic style. Gannon was able to bring out his toughness while we ran with abandon all over the field leaving Waterloo West fans scared. With the first win in over two years, we broke the Curse of Suraj and started a new chapter that was West High football.

3) Another achievement was the winning of the spike. Even though our football team was unable to capture the boot, we were able to use our "Beet City" shirts for a victory. Dominating the Little Hawks in a 3-0 game, thanks to the amazing creativity of Bres and the unquestionable athletic ability of our team to put fear into Hawks. Having our own student section at the game helped increase the intimidation factor and create our own little massacre on the court. With each dominating blow by our lady Trojans, we slowly stole their dignity leaving them with nothing but embarrassment.

I am sure that there is a lot more that we missed out on, but I really don't care. Catch us in the paper today and help us reach 1000 Views.

Also.....we are gonna be in the WSS(The school paper), so check us out!!!!

Here's your video of the week:
(For the Student Section)

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